Full Moon Rituals – Releasing That Which Doesn’t Serve You Any More

You’ve likely heard may folktales of the full moon and how it drives us a little mad. And you’ve certainly heard the werewolf legends of man transforming into beast under a full moon. But is there any basis in fact for the old tales?

Maybe more than you think.

Studies show no correlation, but ask any police officer or healthcare worker and you’ll find far more believers than skeptics.  If you think about it, our bodies are made of 80 percent water, and think of how the moon affects the tides. Many women have noted their menstrual cycles coincide with moon phases, so it’s hard to deny that the moon has some effect on us.

The moon is the closest astronomical body to our planet, and represents the feminine divine nature. In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of the moon, and in the Greek mythology, she was known as Artemis. As a feminine aspect, the moon is closely associates with emotion, creativity and nurturing.

In each 28-day cycle of the moon, you start with the New Moon, or dark moon. As the moon begins to “fill” again, we say it is waxing, or building energy and strength. At the 14 day mark, we reach the Full Moon, and then begins its waning phase, as it approaches the New Moon again.

Incorporating the moon into your rituals or mediation can bring new energy and focus to achieving goals and spiritual development.

With the moon at its peak of power during the Full Moon, you are on the brink of the waning phase, and this is a great time to TAKE ACTION and let go of anything in your life that no longer serves a purpose of anything that holds you back.

A Full Moon ritual is a symbolic way of letting go of negativity and signaling a fresh start, much like we often do with the New Year, but you get a renewed chance every month to make good on resolutions or release old habits you have outgrown.

There is no one ritual you should perform, but it’s always best to make things personal to you and what feels right. This can be as simple as writing down on a small slip of paper one thing in your life you want to remove or purge. If you have more than one, use a separate sheet of paper for each, but try to keep your focus narrow and remember you have this opportunity every month, so the more of your energy you can channel into clearing away one aspect of your life that needs purification, the more effective it can be.

Here’s one simple ritual you can use or modify to pay homage to the Full Moon. You’ll need candles (preferably white or silver), your preferred altar items according to your beliefs, sage, paper and pen, and a small cauldron or fireproof bowl.

It’s best if you can do this outside, but indoors is okay if you are limited in outdoor space or weather doesn’t permit an outdoor ritual. Light candles and create and altar with any sacred objects you hold dear, whether crystals or deity symbols. For a Full Moon ritual, white or silver candles work best.

I recommend you burn some sage to clear the space of any negativity, although if you do this indoors be wary of setting off your smoke detectors!

Sit comfortably and focus on the flicking light of your white or silver candle and relax until you feel peaceful and centered. Take a piece of paper and write down what you wish to release from you life. There is no limit on the number of items you list, but the narrower you keep your focus the more effective this ritual will be.

Remember, you can do this every month, so you don’t have to purge everything all at once. As you fold the paper up, you can recite some affirmations out loud or silently, such as this example:

Like the Enchanted Moon
I am full of love and creativity
I hold in my hands that which no longer serves me
Sacrificing my old self to the flames to begin anew
Purified and free from the past
Glowing like the silver Moon above

Light the paper with your white or silver candle and watch all the things you wish to let go of burn in the flames or your cauldron or fireproof vessel.

Repeat this ritual monthly with new intentions or reinforce ones you are having a hard time letting go. Simple rituals like this can bring a sense of peace and help you make the major changes you need to make for a more rewarding and fulfilling life.

